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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Very recently I have started to put some bird feeder's out to see what kinds of birds we could attract in our area. Most days my feeders are filled with House Sparrow's, Brewer's Blackbirds, the occasional House Finch and my favorites the Red-Winded Blackbird. That was until today when this little fellow decided to dine her for lunch. He is a Western Tanager. His colour was so amazing I wasn't sure if I was seeing correctly. I was rushing around the house trying to find my telephoto lens in the hopes of getting a picture of him. He finally gave me the perfect pose, I hope he comes back again.

7 Don't Be Shy Leave Me A Comment:

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

I love watching the birds also! My kids call me a "crazy bird lady"!


Brandi said...

I am not that far from you and all we ever get are sparrows and finchs'. Love the colours.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful picture. Did any more than the 2 makes you had the other show up yet?

JinXiu said...


RoLo said...

I love watching the birds in our yard, this little one you saw is gorgeous

Deb said...

Wow he's really pretty.
I've never seen one this color before!

RoLo said...

never ever imagined that I would enjoy watching birds......but I do.....I just love them, I need to get a book though to figure out the breeds.