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Friday, May 8, 2009


In all the books I have read about perimenopause they are consistent in talking about supplements. Making sure you are taking the right ones and the correct amount. Well the Chorons Apollo Clinic follows those beliefs as well. I figured I wouldn't wait until my appointment this month to start on the vitamins and supplements they recommend.

There products are very convenient to take, with individual packing you to take twice a day. You take certain ones in the morning and the rest in the evening.. I can take comfort in knowing that when I go to bed at night I have not missed anything.

Now like almost everything in the world today, if it's good for you it's going to cost you! These supplements and vitamins are not the exception. I was a little worried about my husband reaction when he saw the bill.

Then I notice something on the front of the container ... Hmmmm what did I read? Oh yes, not a husband out there will complain about the cost of this product if it proves to be effective, I mean it's written right there in the front of the container, what man would refuse the benefit of taking these vitamins and supplements.

Just read it for yourself.

Would you not agree!!!

For peak mental, physcial and HERE's the biggy Sexual Performance.

I have a feeling if this works in that department my husband will not only buy me this for Chrismas and Birthday's but he will worship the ground at the Chronos Apollo Clinic.

2 Don't Be Shy Leave Me A Comment:

Deb said... chocolate won't do it eh?....
LOL Love your reading between the lines!

Phyllis said...

I'm sure we are all dying to know how this works out for you (and David)....