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Saturday, September 6, 2008

She's Trying My Patience

Many people have told me over the years that I have an extreme amount of patience when it comes to the kids. This was something I needed to learn when I was a first time mother of a son with ADHD and ODD.

Lately Larkyn has been testing my patience on a minute by minute basis. She has the strongest will out of all three of my children. When you ask her anything her first response is NO, even when I know she really will want to.

A perfect example was today at the mall. It was a girls afternoon out, honestly Larkyn was like a piece of human Velcro. She had her hand on anything and everything .. she was off and running this way and that. If I tried to call her back her reply was simply NO and would run the the other way. When I finally did catch her, holding her hand was in NO way something she would allow me to do.. Picking her up proved to cause a very noisy protest, and so this is how our shopping afternoon went.

Larkyn is not my first child and I am finding it very frustrating that I can't seem to get a handle on this behaviour. Here's another thing, this morning Larkyn wanted to be held.. but only by me. I was trying to get some things done before the kitchen guy came and only I could do it. So I tried to hand her off to David.. She screamed.. and screamed, so David asked the kids to take her outside, which is her favourite thing to do. For 10 minute no stop she screamed outside. The kids tried everything to entertain her. Finally David called her in and she still would not stop screaming, out of pure desperation he finally put her in her room to play and for another five minuets she knocked on her door and screamed... Not once while she was caring on like this was she calling for me.. just screaming!!! As soon as I was done what I needed to get done I picked her up and Presto!!! just like magic all was well!! "What A Little Stinker"

Is it time for some tuff love??? Some would say YES and other's would say NO!!!

What would you advise????

5 Don't Be Shy Leave Me A Comment: as we know it. said...

Thanks for coming by my blog.
Larkyn sounds like my daughter Zoe.
Zoe really tests my patience, when we first bought her home she was quiet and sweet yet we could tell that she new her own mind.
This has grown into being whiney(sp?)and bad temprered, I have to say that this is tough for me. I totally know what you are going through!

Tracey and Mike said...

Sorry, no advice, but if you get this one figured out let me know! LOL
These girls sure do have a mind of their own!

Anonymous said...

Well I am afraid you may already know my advice. She is getting the upper hand on you. I don't have children so I really shouldn't comment but I think a pat on the behind is soon going to be in order for this little one. She is a very smart little thing and she knows how to get her own way and unfortunately she is a patient as her Mom so she is willing to wait it out and scream until you finally give in.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my heart goes out to you, Wendy! Maybe the only advice is to avoid the mall for the next 20 years?! Not very comforting. I try to keep Rachel in her stroller if at all possible. She doesn't always like it so I bring along a stack of crackers/cookies, too...Not exactly parenting at its finest, but it works. Do you think my 7 year old is too big for a stroller?

Shirley said...

Hmm..tough love...I have to do that with my Olivia these passed few nights...she insists on waking up in the middle of the night and wants to come out of her room..We put up a gate..and we have let her cry sometimes over an hour..I feel so so so bad..she actually knocks the gate down sometimes..and will take us an hour to get her to go back to sleep..throws a fit..Letting her scream is so hard..esp at 3 A.M..but we have to do it..Also..first thing in the AM when she wakes up..she likes to be held...and with my other daughter in school..getting her ready, I just can't do I do let her just cry..throw herself on the floor..and so be it..and now..she hardly even bothers me in the AM. Tough love at the best thing..Gotta love the "2's"...
Good Luck!!!