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Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Lately I have been clinging to the memories of when my two oldest children were Larkyn's age. Children are far from being perfect when they are that young, BUT!!!

It seems you wake up one morning and your sweet, darling little one has somehow been switch in the middle of the night. "Aliens is one explanations" They go from waking up happy to NOT wanting to get up at all.

I remember at the end of the day feeling tired, maybe a little stressed now I can add ANNOYED to that list.

Ryker knows he has to brush his teeth yet each day it's a fight to get him to do it. He's been in school now 8 years and every day it's the same frustration trying to get him to do his homework. I take the time to fold his laundry each day all he needs to do is put them away... So why does he leave them in a pile on his floor???? Does he not remember were he got those blankets from that I find all over the couch??

Reegan seems to think when she comes in her boots will find there way to the boot rack. "Wrong" When I ask her to do something it's always "In a sec" Getting her to put things away is harder then pulling teeth. Speaking of teeth why is it as soon as I have cleaned the bathroom does she feel the need to spread tooth paste all over the place.

Put all of these things together and what do you get?? ANNOYED!!!

Most days I feel I sigh more then I smile. Was I actually like this to my mother?? Surely not, I remember myself being neat and tidy always respectful. LOL

When did I lose control of they way I wanted my house to run?? When did my children decide that they would just ignore me? Will the rest of there time living in this house consist of me hagging on them and feeling ANNOYED?

Let's just say my kids should be VERY thankful I am not like some animals out there that eat there young!!!!

3 Don't Be Shy Leave Me A Comment:

"T" said...

Man I've had those kinda of day's. It's great you can step back and write about it and put a funny spin on it. Look at the big picture nit just the little things that don't mean a hill of beans in the long run.


Anonymous said...

I am sure if Mom read this she will be smiling...ah...the "Mother's Curse"'s working! I know I was exactly like that when I was younger...I only became anal in my later years. I envy their carefree attitudes!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Wendy, the toothpaste comment was good for me to hear! I just finished getting after Grace this morning saying, "How old are you? Why is there toothpaste all over the towel?" If it is not on the towel, or caked in the sink, or on the bathmat, then it is all over her face....What to do?!?!
