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Wednesday, August 20, 2008


As I mentioned a few days back Larkyn has now entered that Terrible Two stage. No is now her favorite word when asked anything or told to do anything like (come here, sit down, eat your food, be nice, share, the list goes on and on). Her temper has shown itself on a daily basis, when she doesn't want to do what she has been ask or told to do and then we make her.. the entire house hears about it.

Larkyn is our third child so this behaviour doesn't surprise me... and I don't give into to her screams of torture. What is new to us is she has decided to do this in the middle of the night.

The first year home with Larkyn she slept like an angle... very rarely waking up in the middle of the night and if she did usually a huge or a cuddle would put her back to sleep. Now after being with us a year she decides at least every other night to wake up. As always I go to her room and comfort her... As soon as I pick her up she wants to talk or read a book or sing a song... Of course I don't because it's the middle of the night. I usually cuddle her and rub her back and then say good night and off I go... Then it starts... the screaming, crying and the kicking of the feet against her bed. After being with her for a year I now know the difference between upset and having a temper tantrum, and this is definitely the latter of the two...

Usually I don't run back in I want to see if she can settle herself down. But lately she won't give up and it's usually on my third time in after I have left and after she has kicked and screamed for about 15 minuets that she finally gives up and goes to sleep again. Last night David was so tired he went downstairs to sleep just to get away from her screaming.

With my first two children I would NEVER have put up with this, I would go in cuddle settle them down and put them back to bed, if they started to cry I would just let them cry it out at this age (nip it in the bud). Before we adopted Larkyn we read books about the first year and developing that bond.. "Don't let them cry to long" Don't put them in there cribs for time outs etc., etc." You don't want to make them feel like they have been abandoned again.

My question is how long is long enough... it's been a year and she just starting this now.. We have always come in when she cries or needs us... but this is really more about her getting what she wants not what she needs. She wants mommy to read or sing to her in the middle of the night!!!! (I don't think so Missy)

If anyone has any and I mean ANY suggestions please let me know...

2 Don't Be Shy Leave Me A Comment:

Brandi said...

Sounds like your having lots of fun!! LOL. My suggestion would be not to pick her up at all, just lie her back down cover her and tell her it's bedtime and quickly exit the room. If you go in again don't say anything to her just lie her down and cover her and leave. Hope it gets better. I haven't experienced any temper tantrums yet with Chayce, but I am sure they will come.


Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy...Abbie has also been giving me tantrums when she oesn't get her own way. I have let her cry it out in the middle of the night. I would have never done this when we brought her home, but I figure she is secure enough that she won't see it as being left again. My friend is going through this with her two year old daughter who is not adopted. I will put on soft music for Abbie, but I do leave the room. I am so tired I know I will not function well the next day.