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Monday, April 16, 2007

I Am So Thankful

My day started off as it usually does. Waking Ryker up at 6:00am and getting him on the bus. Then enjoying a nice cup of tea, showering and waking Reegan up for Preschool. I give my little girl a Big Kiss Good -bye and as I drive away on the news I hear that 33 young people have been killed in a senseless killing. Why ... Why... Why.... My day started off fine... the sun was shining all day and warm ... it was so warm outside. Reegan and I went for a bike ride and then ran into one of her friends who invited us to play for a bit. But Many miles away there are mother's and father... seeing and feeling very differently. I am so thankful for the day that I had today... I am so thankful that tomorrow I still can wake my kids up and get them off to school and give them hugs and kisses. I AM SO THANKFUL!!!!!

What are you thankful for???

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