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Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Down Fall of Growing Up!!!

So here's my wonderful son, summer vacation has just started and already I have put him to work. He was not impressed to be cutting the grass today, especially since on the other side of the yard his sister frolicked in the pool with not a care in the world. I tried to explain to him that he to was young once and didn't have these sort of responsibilities. Ryker is starting to see the downside of growing up. Oh he wants all the perks of getting older "Who doesn't" but when it comes to things like responsibilities he's not quite sure he wants any part of that.
On a more positive note... He had a very good report card for the end of the year. And that social test he was studying for, well he passed it... Good for you Ryker Man!!!!!
Tomorrow he has to clean his room, it's so bad that the cats won't even go in there. I told him the other day if I had to sleep in his room it would give me nightmares.. and I won't let Reegan go in there for fear she might get lost!!!

1 Don't Be Shy Leave Me A Comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ryker, the lawn looks great!!! Congratulations on your Social Studies test...I knew you could do it. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!!!!