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Saturday, June 16, 2007

I Will Never Figure out Cats

So this is our other cat Shadow, she is a very nice cat, cuddly, purrs tones she's a real people person.

BUT she has this one issue. Everyday she cries for me to put water into a glass on this side of the counter to have a drink.

She has fresh water in her dish but that will not do. I have even tried to put the glass of water on the floor thinking maybe she just likes it better out of that glass.

She's broken at least three glasses because if I leave an empty glass on this counter she actually will push it off because it's empty.

I've tried the spray bottle and when she sees it she takes off, but as soon as my back is turned she right back up there crying for her glass of water. I have people all the time telling me it's gross to have a cat on your counter, because of where there feet might have just come from "the litter box" I do my best to clean the counter at least two times sometimes three times a day.

What's a person to do?????

6 Don't Be Shy Leave Me A Comment:

Middle-Aged Moi said...

We have PLENTY of water for our cats to drink, but my cat insists on drinking straight from the tap. Go figure.

PS- Thanks for leaving that comment on my blog!Your referral is coming soon? AAAAHHHHH!!! I will be checking out your blog ALL THE TIME, then! Congrats! Looking forward to seeing your new little one!!!!

Julie said...

I have seen this before - I think she is just very smart. She sees YOU drink from a glass - why not her?? Did you tell her that she is a cat and not a person? Maybe she doesn't realize this??

lol! :o)
p.s. thank you for the thoughtful comments on my blog! I hope you get your referral very soon!!!!!

Polar Bear said...

Every day I fill four bowls of water four our dogs. Two are outside and two are inside. Only in times of desperation will they drink from ONE of the bowls outside. They wait until they come in and then drink like they were deprived of water. ????

Creatures of habit I guess. :)

C's Mom said...

A person is to realize who is in charge....the cat. She looks like my Jake :0)

I wonder how many of those people who flip about the cat being on the counter just left the restroom without washing their hands. Hmmmm.

Steffie B. said...

Our cat is the same way! He has a little silver bowl by the side of the sink. We hasd another cat that wanted me to turn the water faucet on.

Thanks for the b-day wishes!

Marnie said...

Verna showed me this. LOL!! My cat Spooky will only drink water out of the faucet. So I sympathize with you. I think they just like the fresh, cold water. Spooky also will push the dixie cup off of the holder to let you know when he wants a drink. Boy do they have us trained well!